SOS Schools in Azerbaijan

SOS Nursery School Baku AzerbaijanSOS Nursery School Baku

Update from 2008:

Four groups function in the SOS Nursery School Baku which is situated in the territory of the SOS Children’s Village Baku. In the nursery school 91 child are being educated, 47 of them are the girls, 44 of them – boys; 80 of the children are educated on the paid basis, 10 – on the non-paid basis and 1 child pay only 50% of the education fee. In 2008 year 4 of the children were integrated to the nursery school through SOS Family Strengthening Programme (FSP) Baku. In September 42 of our little graduates went to the primary school and our groups were filled with new-comers.

Throughout the year different remarkable events and activities took place in the life of our nursery school. The open lessons were given by our educators with the participation of the representatives from the Teachers’ Institute and educators from the community nursery schools. Our nursery school is known as the leading one in the application of Step-by-Step technology.

With the assistance of Azerbaijan Special Olympic Commitee and Athletic Olypmic Centre “Merry starts” competiton among the 3-7 aged athlets was organised where our children also actively participated.

In the past year the parents of our children made significant contribution in the amount of 5875,8 AZN. The donation was spent for the repair and equipment purchase for the nursery school.  Different excursion programmes to Zoo, puppet show, historical places were provided on the ongoing basis for the children in the past 2008 year.

Svetlana Mustafayeva
Director of SOS Nursery School Baku




SOS Nursery School Ganja

Report from 2008:

By the end of 2008 total number of the beneficiaries constituted 220 children. In 2008 we continued repair and refurbishment works in Public nursery school No. 15 in Ganja. So 2 group rooms, kitchen and corridor were repaired, equipment for kitchen (2 gas stoves, boiler and water supply system) was purchased. The group rooms were provided with electric heaters, computer, music centre, TV, DVD.


Besides different trainings were provided within the program such as: “How to teach by game” for teachers of public nursery schools No.15 and 34; the training was held by SOS Playbus team. In September, meetings with parents on the topics “What does it mean: new education technologies?”, “Partnership” were held. Close cooperation with FSP Ganja was established. Due to help of FSP, the groups were provided with new stationery on the eve of new education year in September.