SOS Schools in Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone, less than half of young girls aged between 15-24 years are literate.

SOS Nursery School Freetown Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone, there are currently three SOS Nurseries, one Primary and two Primary & Secondary SOS Schools. These facilities provide education to children from SOS Villages and from the wider community. Staff members are well trained and the resources available to students are of a high standard.  Below you can find an overview on the SOS Children education projects.

Yandi's Story

When Yandi first started attending the SOS Primary school at Makeni, going to class was something new and exciting. Soon however, the novelty wore off, when she realised studying and doing homework did not leave her as much to play. Then she began complaining about school and skipping lessons. But after lots of talks with her carers, Yandi came to understand the importance and benefits of education. Now she shows real interest in her school work again and is one of the best students. And she is proud to be an example to others and help her brothers and sisters with their school work.

Bo : SOS Schools

The SOS Nursery at Bo has over 170 children, with around 30 coming from the SOS village and the remainder from the local community.

  • The nursery achieves a high standard of education, with almost all Grade 3 children accepted at the primary school.
  • Each year an inter-house sports day is held, with parents and friends invited to attend. Other key events include school concerts, outings, a graduation ceremony for pupils leaving the school and an annual Thanksgiving Service in the Bo Township.

The SOS International School (Primary & Secondary) at Bo has over 500 students, with over a fifth coming from the SOS village and the remainder from the local community.

  • The school continues to strive for academic excellence through the quality of education it provides. In a recent year, pupils achieved a 100 per cent pass rate for the National Primary School exam and a pleasing number of pupils gained the West African Senior Secondary School Certificate. For two years running the school has been recognised as the best in the southern region.
  • In the classroom, pupils take part in quizzes and debates. Outside, an annual sports day meeting is held and there is also a yearly Thanksgiving Service at the Bo City Hall.

Makeni : SOS Schools

The SOS Nursery at Makeni has over 150 children, with approximately 30 coming from the SOS village and the rest from the local community.

  • The nursery operates in an atmosphere conducive to learning and most children graduate to the primary school after performing well in the entrance exams.
  • The school organises a varied programme of activities and events through the year, which include an annual sports day and a thanksgiving service held jointly with the Primary School. Our children have also made visits to a Red Cross pre-school and exchanged letters with children from Plan UK.

The SOS Primary School at Makeni has over 200 children, around a quarter of which come from the SOS Village and the rest from the local community.

  • The school provides a high standard of discipline and a quality education to youngsters in the region and the welfare of the students is also a high priority. Recently the school became a National Examination Centre for all National Primary School Examinations for Independent Schools in Makeni.
  • The school organises a Inter-house sports day and athletic meeting once a year, as well as football tournaments and general knowledge quizzes. There is an annual Thanksgiving Service at the Holy Trinity Church in Makeni.

Freetown : SOS Schools

The SOS Nursery at Freetown has around 400 children, with approximately 20 coming from the SOS village and the remainder from the local community.

  • The educational standard continues to improve at the school, with individual progress cards and action plans created for each child. Almost all children achieve good passes and are admitted to primary school.
  • As well as the annual sports day, Christmas party and thanksgiving service, the school recently organised an outing to Atlantic Beach to celebrate Independence Day.

The SOS International School (Primary & Secondary) at Freetown has around 1,150 students, with approximately 600 in the primary section and 450 in the secondary.

  • The school offers a very high standard of education, often with 100 per cent pass marks for National Primary School and Basic Education Certificate exams. In a recent year, over 30 children passed the West African Senior Secondary School Certificate and nearly 30 gained the necessary grades to go onto university.
  • Pupils are involved in a number of extra-curricular activities, including sports teams, drama, debating and scout clubs. A variety show was organised at Christmas by the fund-raising committee and the school holds an annual inter-house athletics day, prize-giving ceremony and thanksgiving service. On a recent outing, pupils were taken to Lakka Beach.