
Khan Academy on a Stick

Similarity and transformations

Two figures are similar if you can get from one to another through some combinations of translations, reflections, rotations AND DILATIONS (so you can scale up and down). This tutorial helps give us an intuition for this.

Triangle similarity

This tutorial explains a similar (but not congruent) idea to congruency (if that last sentence made sense, you might not need this tutorial). Seriously, we'll take a rigorous look at similarity and think of some reasonable postulates for it. We'll then use these to prove some results and solve some problems. The fun must not stop!

Solving problems with similar and congruent triangles

We spend a lot of time in geometry proving that triangles are congruent or similar. We now apply this ability to some really interesting problems (seriously, these are fun)!

Old school similarity

These videos may look similar (pun-intended) to videos in another playlist but they are older, rougher and arguably more charming. These are some of the original videos that Sal made on similarity. They are less formal than those in the "other" similarity tutorial, but, who knows, you might like them more.