Year by year

Children playing

Years before Live Aid

For Africans across the continent, the years that preceded Live Aid were often turbulent and full of challenges. As one by one, nations gained their independence, Africa faced fresh challenges and new struggles.

Read about Africa in the years since 1971...

Live Aid stadium

Live Aid year

In 1985, Bob Geldof and Midge Ure brought the plight of many Africans to the attention of the West, and, by bringing together musicians from all over the globed, changed the way the developed world viewed the continent it had once colonised.

Find out more about the event that rocked the world...

Sudanese boy still smiling

What happened next?

Despite the success of Live Aid, Africa still has a long way to go. In the years since 1985, Africans have faced fresh and renewed challenges, from the climate, from regimes, from industry. Here, we take an overview of key events after Live Aid.

Learn about Africa from Live Aid to the present day...