List of environmental organizations
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SOS Children, which runs nearly 200 sos schools in the developing world, organised this selection. Click here to find out about child sponsorship.
This is a list of environmental organizations, organizations that preserve, analyze or monitor the environment. Environmental organizations can be global, regional, national or local; they can be governmental or private.
Intergovernmental Organizations
International organizations and bodies established through international agreements or other commitments to protect the environment:
- Commission for Environmental Cooperation (NAFTA)
- European Environment Agency (EEA)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- UNEP ( United Nations Environment Programme)
There are also environmental Intergovernmental Organizations that group governments at the regional and local level, as distinguishable from the national level. Examples are the network of regional governments for sustainable development and the ICLEI-Local governments for sustainability . These organizations use the method of open coordination to share policy best practice and provide assistance and counsel to partners on issues related to environmental development following the UN Milennium Agenda. These networks can be seen as international organisations and have observer status in the different UN environmental organizations.
Government Organizations
The governments of all developed countries, as well as the majority of developing countries have government departments or agencies devoted to monitoring and protecting the environment:
- Environment Canada
- Lake Ontario Waterkeeper
- Friends of the Earth Canada
- ECO Canada
Isle of Man
- Manx National Trust
New Zealand
- Department of Conservation
- Ministry for the Environment
- Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
United Kingdom
- Campaign to Protect Rural England
- Friends of the Earth
- The Wildlife Trusts
- Association for Environment Conscious Building
- English Heritage
- Natural England
- Environment Agency (England & Wales)
- Historic Scotland
- Scottish Natural Heritage
- Scottish Environment Protection Agency
- Countryside Council for Wales
- Cadw
Northern Ireland
- Environment and Heritage Service
United States
- United States Environmental Protection Agency
- United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Native American Nations
- Inter-Tribal Environmental Council
- All US states have fish and game departments that regulate local hunting and other taking of wild animals.
Private Organizations (Environmental NGOs)
These organizations are involved in lobbying, advocacy, or conservation efforts:
- African Wild Dog Conservancy
- Aga Khan Trust for Culture
- American Indoor Air Quality Council
- Bellona Foundation
- Biofuelwatch
- BirdLife International
- Centre for International Environmental Law
- Conservation Foundation
- Conservation International
- Conservation Law Foundation
- Earth Charter Initiative
- Earth First!
- Earth Island Institute
- Earth Liberation Front (ELF)
- Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN)
- Earth Policy Institute
- Environmental Law Foundation "ELF" (UK)
- Environmental Investigation Agency
- Environmental Youth Alliance
- Forest Stewardship Council
- Friends of Nature
- Friends of the Earth
- Gaia Mater (the mother Earth)
- Global Water Policy Project
- Global Witness
- Global Vision International
- Great Transition Initiative
- Green Cross International
- GreenEnergyTV.com
- Greenpeace
- International Analog Forestry Network
- International Centre of Studies for Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage ( ICCROM)
- International Council on Monuments and Sites - ICOMOS
- International Institute for Sustainable Development
- NatureServe
- Nicodemus Wilderness Project
- Ocean Champions
- The Ocean Foundation
- Regenesis - the Global Movement for Environment Sustainability, Liberty & Social Justice
- Tellus Institute
- The Nature Conservancy
- Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
- Wetlands International
- Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- Worldchanging
- World Conservation Union ( IUCN)
- World Resources Institute ( WRI)
- Worldwatch Institute
- World Wide Fund for Nature
- World Wildlife Fund ( WWF)
- Xerces Society
- Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
- niger delta environmental initiative
- African American Environmentalist Association
- African Conservation Foundation
- Environmental Foundation for Africa
- European Biomass Association
- European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
- Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe
North America
- Association of Environmental Professionals
- North American Native Fishes Association
- Australian Conservation Foundation
- Australian Coal Alliance
- Australian Student Environment Network
- Australian Wildlife Conservancy
- Birds Australia
- Environment Victoria
- Gaia Foundation
- Landcare Australia
- Public Transport Users Association
- Transitforum Austria Tirol
- Canadian Environmental Law Association
- Canadian Environmental Network
- Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
- David Suzuki Foundation
- Manitoba Eco-Network
- Nature Canada
- Sierra Club of Canada
- Sierra Legal Defence Fund
- International Institute for Sustainable Development
- Canadian Centre for Environmental Education
- Ekološko društvo Zeleni Osijek
Czech Republic
- Hnutí DUHA - Friends of the Earth Czech Republic
- Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) = Friends of the Earth Germany
- BUNDjugend (BUND's Youth organization)
- Global 2000
- Robin Wood
Hong Kong
- Clear the Air (Hong Kong)
- Friends of the Earth
- Green Power
- The Conservancy Association
- Reef Watch Marine Conservation, Mumbai
- Control Air Pollution, Kolkata
- Movement and Action for Social Services (MASS)
- Green Coalition Network Worldwide
- VISWADARSANAM, centre for humanity and nature, kerala, India
- preservetheglobe.org -- Learn, Share & Act. Join Hands to Take Care Of This WOrld
- BGM Social Service Centre, Neyyardam, Kerala.
- Earth Watchers Centre (EWC)
- Irish Woodworkers for Africa (trading as Just Forests)
- Israel Union for Environmental Defense (IUED), Adam Teva V'Di
- Legambiente
- Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli
- Lega Anti Vivisezione
- Pro Natura
- Green Belt Movement
- Macedonian Ecological Society
- MNECO Centre for sustainable development of ECO-system and ECO-tourism
- King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation
- EnvironmentNepal
- Bird Conservation Nepal
- Clean Energy Nepal
- ENPHO - Environment and Public Health Organization
- FOST - Foundation for Sustainable Technologies
- Himalayan Nature Conservation and Research Institute
- Nepal Forum for Environmental Journalists
The Netherlands
- AIDEnvironment
- Both ENDS environment and development service
- Greenpeace Netherlands
- Milieudefensie - Friends of the Earth Netherlands
- Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples
- WWF Netherlands
New Zealand
- Buller Conservation Group
- Environment and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa New Zealand (ECO)
- Greenpeace Aotearoa New Zealand
- Kiwis Against Seabed Mining
- Native Forest Restoration Trust
- New Zealand Ecological Restoration Network
- Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand
- Save Happy Valley Campaign
- TerraNature
- Trees for Survival
- Waipoua Forest Trust
- Climaction
- Bellona
- Friends of the Earth Norway (Norges Naturvernforbund)
- Green Warriors of Norway (Norges Miljøvernforbund)
- Natur og Ungdom
- Rainforest Foundation Norway (Regnskogfondet)
- Zero Emission Resource Organisation
- Rehbar Development Foundation
- Society for Conservation and protection of Environment (SCOPE)]
- Marine Pollution combat squad of Pakistan
- Foundation for Eradication of Marine Pollution (FEMP)
- Liga para a Protecção da Natureza
- Quercus (organization)
- Friends of Siberian Forests
South Africa
- North West Parks & Tourism Board Honorary Officer Association
- Friends of the Pilansberg
- Earthlife Africa
- Koeberg Alert
- Cape Town Ecology Group
- Wildlife and Environmental Society of South Africa*
- NiMBLE - Nelson Mandela Bay Local Environmentalists
- Greenpeace Slovakia
- VLK - Saving The Forests and Wild Animals
- WOLF Forest Protection Movement
- Adena WWF
- Amazònia Assemblea de Solidaritat
- Greenpeace Spain
- Los Amigos de la Tierra
- Bruno-Manser-Fonds
- Society for Threatened Peoples Switzerland
- Taiwan Environmental Protection Union
- Taiwan Environmental Action Network
- The Society of Wilderness
- Sand County Foundation
United Kingdom
- Aldersgate Group
- Archipelago Forum
- Campaign for the Protection of Rural England
- The Corner House
- Camp for Climate Action
- Down to Earth
- Earth First!
- Earth Liberation Front (ELF)
- Forest Peoples Programme
- Friends of the Earth England Wales and Northern Ireland
- Friends of the Earth Scotland
- Greenpeace UK
- The Institution of Environmental Sciences
- John Muir Trust
- Rainforest Foundation UK
- Rising Tide UK
- Town and Country Planning Association
- Transport 2000
- UK CEED ( UK Centre for Economic and Environmental Development)
- Council for the Protection of Rural England
- RSPB ( Royal Society for the Protection of Birds)
- Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA)
- Worldforests
- World Wildlife Fund
- H.S. Enviro ltd.
United States
- Abalone Alliance (historic)
- African American Environmentalist Association
- Adirondack Council
- Aldo Leopold Foundation
- Alliance for Climate Protection
- American Bird Conservancy
- American Farmland Trust
- American Rivers
- Appalachian Voices
- Association of Environmental Professionals
- Back to Natives Restoration www.backtonatives.org
- CampaignEarth!
- Centre for a New American Dream
- Centre for Transportation and the Environment
- Citizens Campaign for the Environment www.citizenscampaign.org
- Clamshell Alliance
- Clear the Air (United States)
- Defenders of Wildlife
- Down To Earth-Friendly
- Earth First!
- Earth Island Institute
- Earth Liberation Front (ELF)
- EarthE Honours
- EarthJustice
- Earthpledge
- Ecologyfund.com
- Environment America www.environmentamerica.org
- Environmental Defense Fund
- Environmental Integrity Project
- Environmental Law & Policy Centre www.elpc.org
- Environmental Law Institute
- Environmental Ministry Network
- Fluoride Action Network www.FluorideAction.Net
- ForestEthics www.forestethics.org
- Forest Guardians
- Fishkill Creek Watershed Committee
- Global Environmental Technology & Management
- Global Footprint Network - www.footprintnetwork.org
- Global Green USA
- GlobalWarmingSolution.org
- Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology
- Kids For Change- www.kidsforchange.us
- League of Conservation Voters
- Izaak Walton League
- National Association of Environmental Management
- National Audubon Society
- Nature's Classroom
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- Native Forest Council
- National Geographic Society
- National Hispanic Environmental Council
- National Wildlife Federation
- NatureServe
- Negative Population Growth
- Neighbourhood Parks Council
- New Jersey Audubon Society
- New York City Audubon
- North American Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
- Northwest Earth Institute
- Population Connection
- Rainforest Action Network
- Republicans for Environmental Protection
- Resource Renewal Institute
- Rising Tide North America
- Sand County Foundation
- Save the Dunes Council
- Save the Redwoods League
- Sea Shepherd
- Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC)
- Sierra Club
- The Sierra Student Coalition www.ssc.org
- Teva Learning Centre
- The Marine Mammal Centre
- The Lands Council
- The Nature Conservancy
- The School for Field Studies
- TreePeople
- Touch Tanks For Kids
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- The Rewilding Institute
- Waterkeeper Alliance
- White Kiwi Foundation
- The Wilderness Society
- The Wildlands Project
- Worldchanging
- The Wyoming Outdoor Council
- Education for Nature - Vietnam (ENV)
Other (to be categorized)
- The Resource Foundation
- The Civic Trust
- GREENGUARD Environmental Institute
- Groundwork
- The Town and Country Planning Association
- Rehbar
- Environmental Defense
- ACT for Disarmament
- Industrial Workers of the World
- League of Conservation Voters
- Essential Information
- Environmental Working Group
- Look at what you do