
Khan Academy on a Stick

Area basics

Area is how we thinking about how much space something takes in two dimensions such as comparing how much land one property takes up versus another. In this tutorial, we'll take a conceptual look at how area is actually measured (especially for rectangles).


Have you ever wondered how much fencing you need to surround a plot of land? No? Well, you should still go through this tutorial just in case. You'll learn all about how to think about and calculate perimeter--essentially the length of the boundary of a figure.

Rectangle area and perimeter word problems

In this tutorial, you'll stretch your understanding of area and perimeter by applying it to word problems.

  • Volume: how measure it

    Volume is a measurement in the 3rd dimension. This means that it not only has width and height, but it has depth as well. Let's watch this video in which we get a great explanation of how we measure volume.

  • Volume: measuring with unit cubes

    Volume is usually measured in cubic feet (or inches, or centimeters, etc). Let's practice counting cubic feet in order to find the volume.

  • Volume: measuring as area times length

    Sometimes, we can't just count the number of cubes to find the volume because there are too many. In those situations, you need another way of measuring volume. This video gives you the solution.

  • Volume of a rectangular prism or box examples

    Let's do some example problems together in which we use the area times length formula for finding volume.

  • Volume word problem

    Perhaps you've noticed that after teaching you the concept and doing a few example problems together, we always like to throw you a word problem in which you have to apply what you've learned. So here let's find the volume!

Volume of a box or rectangular prism

Volume measures how much 3-dimensional "space" an object takes up. We'll see in this tutorial that it is an extension of length (1-D) or area (2-D) to three dimensions!