Our Africa Teaching Resources

Working in a cafe in Fez, Morocco

You work in a cafe in Fez.  You notice that very few of the customers are women.  Why do you think this might be?


Link to 'Working in a cafe in Fez, Morocco' pdf

How this fits

This scenario invites pupils to consider the established gender roles that still exist in many societies.  Comparisons might be made with the situation in the UK today as well as in the past.

Curriculum links


1.5a Understanding how sequences of events and activities in the physical and human worlds lead to a change in places, landscapes and societies.

1.7a Appreciating the differences and similarities between people, places, environments and cultures to inform their understanding of societies and economies.

1.7b Appreciating how people’s values and attitudes differ and may influence social, environmental, economic and political issues, and developing their own values and attitudes about such issues.

2.1a Ask geographical questions, thinking critically, constructively and creatively.


3c Appropriate links should be made to some of the parallel events, changes and developments in British, European and world history.


1.3d Exploring community cohesion and the different forces that bring about change in communities over time.

Where to go

Food & Daily life; Cafe culture; Couscous Friday; Red city, White city.

What to watch

Cafe culture (video); Couscous Friday (video).

Follow-up questions

  1. Why might you see more women at cafes in Marrakesh or Casablanca?
  2. Are there established gender roles in the UK?

Tags: development; inequality

About scenarios:

Scenarios are teaching resources designed for use in the classroom or as homework. They are linked to the National Curriculum and content on the Our Africa website. See about scenarios for more information on the topics used and their position in the curriculum.